200+ Leave A Job Quotes That Embracing New Beginnings
200+ Leave A Job Quotes That Embracing New Beginnings

Leaving a job can be an emotional rollercoaster. The excitement of new opportunities mixes with the sadness of saying goodbye. During this transitional period, words of wisdom can provide much-needed inspiration, validation, or simply a chuckle.

That's why we've curated this collection of over 200 leaving a job quotes to help you navigate any scenario, from toxic workplaces to beloved roles. With humor and heart, these quotes capture the courage, hope and positivity embodied in career shifts.

So join us on a journey through leaving a job quotes that uplift, empower and resonate.

Leaving a Job Quotes

Embracing New Beginnings

Starting something new can feel scary, but the potential for growth makes it irresistible. Leaving a job sparks the dawn of new beginnings.

"Every exit is an entry somewhere else." - Tom Stoppard

"This is not goodbye, it’s 'see you later' to a chapter that helped me grow. Here’s to exciting new beginnings!" - Unknown

"The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs

Leaving a job that no longer fits allows you to realign your career with your values. While change brings uncertainty, the chance to do meaningful work makes it worthwhile.

Humor and Positivity

Sometimes, all you need is a good laugh before taking a leap of faith. These funny leaving a job quotes add a touch of lightness.

Funny Quotes When Leaving A Job

"My therapist is thrilled I'm finally leaving a job that requires fewer skills than successfully folding a fitted sheet." - Unknown

"Apparently, my 'questionable life choices' qualify me for this awesome new job. Who knew?" - Unknown

"I’m not a quitter, I’m an opportunity seeker...seeking opportunities far away from here." - Unknown

Humor allows us to reframe experiences with positivity. A funny spin can turn resigning from an unfulfilling job into a story of celebration.

Bittersweet Quotes About Leaving A Job

While change brings excitement, it also surfaces nostalgia. These quotes capture the mixture of emotions.

"Leaving fills my heart with bittersweet memories and an inspired vision of the future." - Unknown

"The bittersweet taste of leaving reminds me that all good things must come to an end, but also that new beginnings are sweet." - Unknown

Growth often requires leaving something you love. Bittersweet quotes express how closing one door opens another filled with possibilities.

Movie Quotes About Leaving A Job

Sometimes a good movie quote perfectly encapsulates a scenario. These are a few of our favorites:

"I have to start living my life." - The Holiday

"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!" - Network

"When the hell are you guys gonna wake up and quit destroying yourselves?" - Good Will Hunting

Movie quotes add a flair of the cinematic to life's adventures, including changing careers.

Famous and Inspirational Quotes

Looking for inspiration from people who have walked this road before? Here are some great famous quotes about leaving a job behind.

Famous Quotes About Leaving A Job

Thought leaders often provide perspective during transitions. A few we love:

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." - Eleanor Roosevelt

"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." - C.S. Lewis

"The only limit to our realization of tomorrow is our doubts of today." - Franklin D. Roosevelt

Their wisdom reminds us to have faith in ourselves to create the futures we desire.

Good Luck Quotes For Leaving A Job

Well wishes from others can lift your spirit. Here are some of our favorites:

"The best part about climbing the ladder of success? The view from the top is incredible. Onwards and upwards!" - Unknown

"Don’t be afraid to chase the dream that sets your soul on fire. Good luck!" - Unknown

"Grateful for the skills I’ve honed and the mentors who guided me. Onto the next adventure!" - Unknown

Positive sentiments reinforce that though someone may be leaving a role, the relationships made endure.

Leaving A Job You Love Quotes

Departing from a beloved job elicits nostalgia for the past and hope for the future. These quotes validate those feelings.

"Leaving what you love can lead you to what you need." - Unknown

"The end of one chapter is just the beginning of another." - Unknown

"It takes bravery to close a chapter, but sometimes it's the only way to begin a new, even better story." - Unknown

Sometimes you have to walk away from something good to create space for something great. These quotes give courage to take that step.

Specific Scenarios and Emotional Perspectives

Whether departing a toxic workplace or saying a fond farewell, leaving a job takes courage. These quotes address the diverse range of emotions and situations experienced during transitions.

Last Day and Farewell Quotes

The final day marks the closing of one door and opening of another. Here are some quotes to bring comfort, closure and optimism.

Last Day Quotes For Leaving A Job

The end of a job deserves commemoration. These quotes capture the significance of the last day.

"This isn't goodbye, it’s a new hello—an emotional rollercoaster of closing one chapter and starting another." - Unknown

"On this last day, I’m overwhelmed with nostalgia for what was, yet uplifted by the promise of what will be." - Unknown

Whether feeling eager anticipation or wistful sadness, quotes help make sense of the mixed emotions of endings.

Quotes For Someone Leaving A Job

Saying farewell to a colleague, mentor or friend? These quotes wish them well.

"Thank you for being a great colleague and friend. We wish you all the success in the world!" - Unknown

"The lessons we learned from you will stay with us forever. Thank you for being such a valuable asset to our team." - Unknown

Heartfelt well wishes reinforce that though they may be leaving, the memories made with them endure.

Overcoming Negative Experiences

Toxic workplaces can erode mental health and dim inner light. But there is power in walking away. These quotes give courage to resign.

Leaving A Toxic Job Quotes

Recognizing that a workplace no longer serves your growth and wellbeing takes self-awareness. Stepping away reclaims happiness.

"Leaving a toxic job is not running away; it’s self-preservation and the first step towards reclaiming your happiness." - Unknown

"Your worth is not defined by the job you leave behind; it’s measured by the courage you have to choose yourself." - Unknown

Toxic jobs treat employees as commodities rather than humans. Leaving returns the focus to wellbeing.

Leaving A Job You Hate Quotes

When each day drags, finding humor helps overcome adversity. A few funny twists:

"Quitting a job you hate is like leaving an unhealthy relationship: terrifying but necessary." - Unknown

"If Mondays were shoes, they’d be crocs." - Unknown

"The best revenge is living well—preferably at a job you actually like." - Unknown

Happiness matters too much to sacrifice it for a paycheck. Prioritizing joy lifts our human spirit.

Significant Milestones

Certain departures mark momentous occasions in one's career. These quotes give words to those transitions.

Leaving A First Job Quote

Outgrowing an early job signals professional growth. A few words to mark the milestone:

"This job wasn’t just a paycheck, it was a crash course in work ethic and resilience. Lessons learned!" - Unknown

"Growth requires change. This next chapter allows me to use what I’ve learned and explore new possibilities." - Unknown

The experiences, connections and skills gained in that first job endure, even as you progress to new levels.

Practical Guidance and FAQs

Change, while worthwhile, feels destabilizing. Guidance brings comfort during turbulent times. Here is some practical advice.

Practical Advice

Navigating career changes elicits practical questions. These quotes offer tangible wisdom.

What To Say When Leaving A Job Quotes?

How do you gracefully communicate your resignation? A few ideas:

"Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow." - Melody Beattie

"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end." - Seneca

Genuine thankfulness and optimism set positive tones.

What Is A Good Quote For Leaving A Job?

Looking for inspiration on taking the leap? We recommend:

"The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs

Meaningful work motivates. Seek alignments between passions and purpose.

What Are Positive Words For Leaving A Job?

When giving notice, maintain grace. Here are suggestions:

"I’ll carry the lessons and values I’ve learned here with me as I embark on my next adventure." - Unknown

"While this chapter is coming to a close, I'm excited to see what the future holds." - Unknown

Reinforce learning, express gratitude and convey optimism. Those attitudes uplift all.

Additional Information

For those craving more insights, here are answers to frequently asked questions.


Why leave a job you love?

Sometimes you have to walk away from something good to make space for something great. Leaving allows you to seek better alignments with your values, skills and passions.

How to leave a toxic job?

First, disentangle self-worth from your job by recognizing your inherent value. Then set boundaries and prioritize wellness. Save up resources to cover a transition period. Quietly network to find openings, then craft exit plans to resign with grace.

What’s the benefit of changing careers?

Career changes renew purpose and passion for your work. They prevent stagnation by pushing you to learn new skills. Transitions also expand your network, allowing you to make a greater impact.

What are steps before leaving a job?

  • Soul search to get clear on priorities
  • Network to uncover new opportunities
  • Financially prepare for a transition
  • Craft resignation letter
  • Conclude outstanding projects
  • Communicate decision gracefully

How to transition after leaving?

  • Take time to rest and recharge
  • Reflect on skills gained and lessons learned
  • Set intentions for what’s next
  • Organize finances
  • Outline dream job criteria
  • Start applying and interviewing

The Future Is Yours

Life is short. Don’t waste it unfulfilled. Have the courage to walk away from anything misaligned with who you are or wish to become.

The heaviness of uncertainty will be replaced with the lightness of possibility. Your next adventure leads to purpose.

What “see you later” will you say to create space for it?